1- 413-583 - 4414
80 Ravenwood Drive Ludlow, MA 01056
Performance Machine Shop and Engines Since 1989

There are many reasons for choosing a Diesel Engine Machine Shop.RAD  Provides the Highest Quality Diesel Engine Machine Shop Services . RAD utilizes a state of the art Rottler F79 Multi Purpose CNC Equipped with CNC probing. All critical dimensions are probed against blueprint specifications. RAD is equipped for Decking, Line Boring, Boring ,Sleeving , Upper and Lower Counter Bore Repair and Counter Boring. Every customer however has, or should have , the same expectations of a Diesel Engine Machine Shop the highest quality workmanship,delivered on time and on budget. RAD will meet these expectations we suggest it's time you contact us. RAD Auto Machine
Deisel Engine Block Machining
RAD Utilizing  The rottler F-79 A CNC Mchinining center with probing to assure absolute cylinder and counter bore location. These dimensions are critical for efficiency in today's modern engines. Portable tools cenert off of warn surfaces. Major OEM rebuild shops have installed Rottler F Series CNC machining centers. 
Caterpillar 3406 Diesel Engine Machining and Rebuilding
Cummins Diesel Engine Machining and Rebuilding
Detroit Diesel Engine Machining and Rebuilding
John Deere Engine Machining and Rebuilding
Critical dimensions probed against the blueprints.